Kopi with Katy – University of Birmingham


Order your coffee and discuss your plan to study at University of Birmingham with Katy Friend - International Officer. Saturday, 13 Oct 2018 between 11.00 - 14.00 at Warung Koffie Batavia - Grand Indonesia, Jakarta Please book your appointment by email at info@ibec.or.id or WA/ SMS at +6281280807652  

Kopi with Katy – University of Birmingham2018-10-02T12:45:29+07:00

University of Birmingham – Counselling Day


Meeting Ms. Katy Friend - International Officer of University of Birmingham at our office in Jakarta, on Saturday, 24 Sept between 10.00 - 12.00! Students are welcome to meet her to ask anything about the University and to start the application process. Please call us at 021-5742113/ 5742112 to confirm your appointment. About University of Birmingham Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. Characterised by a tradition of innovation, research at the University has broken new ground, pushed forward the boundaries of knowledge and made an impact on people’s lives. We continue this tradition today and [...]

University of Birmingham – Counselling Day2016-09-07T17:10:50+07:00

Nabil M. Basyuni


"ibec has done a wonderful job in helping me with my application process to the University of Birmingham. The staffs are very friendly and professional. They always give good advise on everything, from choosing the university and the applying process to the accommodation registrations and visa application. Finally, I would highly recommend ibec for financial reasons, applying to a university using ibec is actually CHEAPER than if you apply by yourself!! (this is based on my personal experience, some application costs may vary). Nabil M. Basyuni, University of Birmingham

Nabil M. Basyuni2013-06-20T19:29:26+07:00

Chellyvia Tri Wijayanti


'IBEC memberikan kemudahan untuk saya dalam mempersiapkan study saya ke UK. Mulai dari registrasi sampai akhirnya saya mendapat letter of acception dan CAS. Koneksi IBEC dengan beberapa universitas di UK benar-benar memudahkan saya. Selain IBEC memberikan pilihan universitas di mana sesuai jurusan yang saya inginkan, membantu untuk proses registrasi application, memantau perkembangannya seperti apa sampai dengan terakhir yaitu diterima di universitas yang saya inginkan. Selain itu IBEC juga membantu dalam proses pembuatan visa ke UK. Saya cukup terbantu untuk itu. Sekarang, saya sudah melanjutkan study saya di MSc International Business, University of Birmingham. Terima kasih IBEC untuk kemudahan yang diberikan pada [...]

Chellyvia Tri Wijayanti2013-05-20T21:04:04+07:00